Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Influence of Teenage Pregnancy Reality Shows - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1356 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/04/26 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Teenage Pregnancy Essay Did you like this example? There are 200 episodes of Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant combined, with up to 2 million viewers per episode. The reality television show goes through the life of teenage mothers and their pregnancy. The teenage mothers express their mindset of being a young mother and insights on their lives. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Influence of Teenage Pregnancy Reality Shows" essay for you Create order Lauren Dolgen, the creator of 16 and pregnant, wrote an article on Cable News Network sharing why she created the series. She says that her intention for creating the series was to share cautionary tales about the consequences of unprotected sex, and the reality of becoming a parent too early. The series has certain aspects that discourage teenage pregnancy and others that may promote teenage pregnancy. The shows, 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom, discourage teenage pregnancy in young adult females. The media has an effect on people of all ages, but mainly teenagers and children. Media and technology is what the teenagers this generation grew up in and this is the type of society that they are a part of. The media can easily change the opinions of the viewer. Jennifer Stevens Aubrey, from the Department of Communication at the University of Arizona, conducted a study on Understanding the Effects of MTVs 16 and Pregnant on Adolescent Girls Beliefs, Attitudes, and Behavioral Intentions Towards Teen Pregnancy. She explained how the social cognitive theory worked, and how viewers develop a connection with characters of media through homophily and parasocial interaction (Aubrey 3). The social cognitive theory is a theory that claims observing others has an effect on a persons actions. She defines homophily as the degree to which viewers perceive themselves to be like the characters in terms of traits, abilities, and backgrounds, and parasocial interaction is when the viewer perceives a relationship of friendship with a media personality based on affective ties with that persona (Aubrey 3). Aubrey goes into more detail on how the social cognitive theory works with the viewers watching. The connection a viewer has with the media has an effect on how they relate the situation to their life. If they see the person in the program not having a positive experience with being a teenage mother, the audience is discouraged to have an infant at this age. Some people may say that the media does not affect the way people may think in the real world. That these productions are purely for entertainment. Melissa Kearney and Phillip Levine from the National Bureau of Economic Research studied, The impact of MTVs 16 and Pregnant on Teen Childbearing. They state that the entertainment media references 16 and Pregnant as a hit show based off of Nielsen Television ratings (Kearney and Levine 10). Aubrey supports this point as well by saying 16 and Pregnant is the most, highly rated cable show among female viewers 1234 years of age in 2010. High ratings indicate that the series attracts lots of viewers because of its entertaining qualities. The series does have to be entertaining for it to succeed in the television industry, but it is not only entertainment, its educational aspects are as deliberate as the entertainment aspects. 16 and Pregnant may be conceptualized as an entertainment-education program, as it seeks to entertain and educate its target audience (Aubrey 2). The show is intentionally made for audiences to obtain a look into the mothers lives as a way to learn about teenage pregnancy. An example of an educational moment in the show is when, Three-quarters of the girls (36 of 47) report not using any form of contraception at the time they got pregnant (Kearney and Levine 9). The production is demonstrating the effect of not using birth control showing a first-hand experience for the young audience to learn from. The show is both entertaining and educational, making it a way to have an effect on teenagers to discourage teenage pregnancy. The program may be interesting to audiences because it is a reality tele vision show that is filled with a great deal of drama. The series illustrates the hardships of being pregnant and a mother at such a young age. Just over half (24 out of 44) of the relationships between the girl and her boyfriend either collapsed or were very strained by the end of the episode (Kearney and Levine 9). This is an example of how the real life of a teenage mothers relationship with the father. Eliana Dockterman, a writer for Time Magazine that focuses on womens issues, explained how the mothers,fight with the fathers of their children (many of whom have now left them), fight with their parents (who are usually supporting them), struggle financially, struggle to finish their degree and watch their friends enjoy prom and college without them. The production is filled with drama and undesirable lifestyles for a young adult. These instances have a negative impact on a teenagers opinion towards being a young parent persuading them not to get pregnant at this age. By bringing attention through the mass media of teenage pregnancy, 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom may be seen to glamorize teenage pregnancy. It may seem glamorized due to the fact that teenagers crave the fame that can come with the series. Most of the mothers featured on the shows become celebrities and role models to teenage girls (Dockterman). Since the series is a famous, well-known show, it may seem it is glamorized, but observing an actual episode, it reveals drama and an undesirable life style. Even if the production is glamorized, which it is not, then most the audience will realize that the series is slightly unrealistic and know the show is not promoting teenage pregnancy. In the study Kearney and Levine did with teenagers,82 percent of teens who report watching 16 and Pregnant indicate that it helps teens better understand the challenges of pregnancy and parenthood. Only 17 percent report that it glamorizes teen pregnancy. Establishing the struggles of being a young mother affects the overall rates of teenage pregnancy. The rates of teenage pregnancy have been going down over the years in the U.S. These series have had a slight effect on aiding those rates. Heather D. Boonstra from Guttmacher Institute writes in the passage, What Is Behind the Declines in Teen Pregnancy Rates?, There was a 51% decline in U.S. teen pregnancy from a peak in 1990, including a 15% drop between 2008 and 2010. With a decrease in teenage pregnancy rates, it portrays that there is a correlation between the series airing and the decrease in teenage pregnancy. Though there is a correlation between the teenage pregnancy rates going down, the show may not be the reason for that correlation. Dockterman writes, Though researchers who reviewed the study said the results are sound, it only proves correlation, not causation. There has been a study that this series has had direct effects on the rate of teenage pregnancy. The National Bureau of Economic Research concluded that the results of this analysis imply that the introduction o f this MTV show led to a 4.3 percent reduction in teen births in the 18 months following its initial airing(Kearney and Levine 2). The National Bureau of Economic Research discovered that geographical areas with more viewers have had more of a decrease in teenage pregnancy rates. (Kearney and Levine 11). Kearney and Levines data depicts that the viewing of the MTV program has direct causation in the decrease in teenage pregnancy rates. There are plenty of viewpoints on whether or not these programs promote or discourage teenage pregnancy, but it is evident that the show discourages teenage pregnancy. The series, 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom, influence its viewers to not have to deal with being pregnant and caring for an infant as a teenager. Media is able to have a substantial impact on the life of the audience. The production displays an unwanted lifestyle for a young adult. With the media playing such an important role in teenagers opinions, it has been able to have a positive effect on the rate of teenage pregnancy. The media has a major effect on influencing the viewers, but should not always affect morals and opinions on significant life-changing choices people may make. With over half a billion views of the series, 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom are making an impact on how people may view teenage pregnancy.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Symptoms And Treatment Of Ocd - 2051 Words

Introduction OCD is a psychological disorder that affects a wide variety of people; OCD affects approximately two to three percent of the general population. (Ambramowitz, Taylor, and McKay 2009). Ambramowitz and others also state that with this percent, OCD affects about twice as many people as schizophrenia. With this many people affected, the question of what the most effective way of treating the condition needs to be asked. The answer to the question of what the most effective way of treating OCD was answered using the methodology of reviewing many different studies that researched the three main options for treatment. These options include; medication, therapy, and a combination. The effectiveness is determined by the percent†¦show more content†¦The supposed obsession must cause great distress or consume at least an hour of time per day. (DSM-VI). The effected must also recognize that the disease is an excessive or unreasonable; these do not apply to children. OCD causes people to think differently and to want to obsess or fixate on things that they know they should not be focused on as much. There are many different things that go towards helping people to fix this so they can have their life back. The only question is; what is the best way to do so? One main way to fix this issue is serotonin reuptake inhibitors. This is a pharmacological treatment option, and the inhibitors include drugs such as Clomipramine and Sertraline. Clomipramine and Sertraline are primarily the same thing as far as effectiveness and function go. However, there is one difference between the two medications, and that is that Sertraline is better tolerated by the human body than Clomipramine is. Serotonin reuptake inhibitors work by interrupting and affecting the serotonin receptors in the brain. There are, however, a few problems with the inhibitor drugs. One major problem is that these medications are only effective in some patients (Ambramowitz, etc., 2009). This was proven in a study of 18 randomized trials in which the effect size was 0.91. The people in this study were given pharmacological treatment designed to treat OCD. Some patients showed symptoms after they were taken off of the

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Journal Article Critique Free Essays

Journal Article Critique I chose to read the article, â€Å"Osteoporosis in multiple sclerosis† written by Andrew P Hearn and Eli Silber. It is an understanding about osteoporosis and the connection it might have with multiple sclerosis (MS) compared to patients that do not have multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disability that affects a great amount of young adults. We will write a custom essay sample on Journal Article Critique or any similar topic only for you Order Now The longer a person has multiple sclerosis, the more the person loses strength in there bones. Osteoporosis occurs when the body does not absorb the required amount of bone mineral density (BMD), which reduces bone strength. Both men and women have different factors that can increase the risks of getting osteoporosis. This article explains that MS is the second cause of disability (neurological), along with one sixth of white women in their lifetime will have a hip fracture. Diagnosing osteoporosis for men and women along with their risk factors are included in this reading. This article also contains past results from studies of multiple sclerosis patients with bone mass density. Some risk factor levels are unclear and large-scale studies are needed for clear results and connections. Along with this information, it includes management guidelines for the general population that has osteoporosis. This reading also includes insight of the process of chronic inflammatory with multiple sclerosis along with the role of vitamin D in both osteoporosis and multiple sclerosis. This article has a great impact for health care professionals with the information that it gives and in the areas where more research is needed. It is also important because it shows the connection that medication, vitamins, and minerals have and which ones have a greater impact on multiple sclerosis and osteoporosis in both men and women. It is also important because the results include congenital, acquired, lifestyle, and latrogenic factors. These factors are necessary for health care providers to compare these results to their own patients as well as being helpful for future studies. This reading is also important because it shows what bones have a greater risk associated with bone mass density (BMD). This current evidence is a useful guideline for management protocol until more evidence is acquired. Resources Hearn, A. P. , Silber, E. (2010). Osteoporosis in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis,  16(9), 1031. Turley, S. (2011). Medical language: Immerse yourself (2nd ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Medical Terminology Breakdown |Medical Word |Prefix |Combining form |Suffix |Definition | |1 |osteoporosis |None |oste/o- (bone), por/o- |-osis (condition; abnormal |abnormal rarefaction of bone | | | | |(small opining, pores) |conditions, process) | | |5 |chronic |None |Chron/o- (time) |-ic (pertaining to) |disease that persists over a long period| | | | | | | | |6 |inflammatory |None |Inflamat/o- (redness and |-ory (having the function |Having the function of redness and | | | | |warmth) |of) |warmth | |7 |demineralization |de- (reversal of;|mineral/o- (mineral; |-ization (pertaining to) |pertaining to lack of | | | |without) |electrolyte) | |mineral/electrolyte | |8 |anticoagulant |anti- (against) |coagul/o- (clotting) |-ant (pertaining to) |A substance that prevents the clotting | | | | | | |of blood. | |9 |lumbar |None |lumb/o- (lower back, area |-ar (pertaining to) |part of the back and sides between the | | | | |between the ribs and | |lowest ribs and the pelvis | | | | |pelvis) | | | |10 |femoral |None |femor/o- (thigh bone) |-al (pertaining to) |pertaining to the femur or the thigh | How to cite Journal Article Critique, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Dry Pasta free essay sample

The purpose I present about this topic is to introduce and help everyone to gain further knowledge about pasta. Although everyone know what is pasta, and eats pasta, but I am sure that anyone of us do not know what the actual history of pasta is. Furthermore, I will also explain the benefits of pasta, pasta shapes, recommendation of sauces for different types of pasta, and the basic way of cooking pasta. Pasta is an Italian food made from dough using flour, water and eggs. When talking about the origin of pasta, a distinction needs to be made between fresh and dry pasta. Fresh pasta is dough made of flour and water and is present in most cultures and on all continents. Dry pasta began in Italy and embarked from there to conquer the world. People have believed that Marco Polo introduced spaghetti from China to Italy, but that is incorrect. Dried pasta made without eggs can be stored for up to two years under ideal conditions, while fresh pasta will keep for a few days under refrigeration. In Italy, the dough made mostly from durum wheat or, more rarely, buckwheat flour, with water and, sometimes eggs. Pasta comes in a variety of different shapes that serve for both decoration and to act as a carrier for the different types of sauces ( puttanesca, amatriciana, carbonara, etc. ) and foods ( gnocchi, lasagna, tortellini, ravioli, etc. ). Pasta is eaten in Italy only as the first course or as â€Å"piatto unico†. WHO â€Å"INVENTED† PASTA? Popular legend has it that Marco Polo introduced pasta to Italy following his exploration of the Far East in the late 13th century; however, we can trace pasta back as far as the 4th century. But it was Thomas Jefferson who was credited with bringing the first â€Å"macaroni† machine to America in 1789 when he returned home after serving as ambassador to France. The first industrial pasta factory in America was built in Brooklyn, in 1848 by a Frenchman, who spread his spaghetti strands on the roof to dry in the sunshine. HOW IS PASTA MADE? 1) Mixing: American dry pasta is made with semolina, which is produced by grinding kernels of durum wheat. Sometimes other hard wheat are also used. The semolina is mixed with water until it forms a dough. If any other ingredients are being added to the pasta, such as eggs to make egg noodles, or spinach or tomato to make red or green colored pasta, those ingredients are added at this stage. 2) Extruding: The dough is kneaded until it reaches the correct consistency, and then it is pushed or extruded, through a die, a metal disc with holes in it. The size and shape of the holes in the die determine what the shape of the pasta will be. When the extruded pasta reaches the right length, it is cut with sharp blades that rotate beneath the die. The pasta is then sent through large dryers which circulate hot moist air to slowly dry the pasta. Because different pasta shapes vary in degrees of thickness, they dry for different lengths of time. Most take 5 or 6 hours to dry. 4) Packing: The dried pasta is then packed in bags or boxes. Some of the more fragile pasta shapes, such as lasagna and manicotti, are often packed by hand to protect them from breaking. HOW DO YOU COOK PASTA PERFECTLY EVERYTIME? 1) Boil 4 to 6 quarts of salted water for one pound of dry pasta 2) Add pasta with a stir and return water to a boil. 3) Stir the pasta occasionally during cooking. If the pasta is to be used as part of a dish that requires further cooking, undercook the pasta by 1/3 of the cooking time. 5) Taste the pasta to determine if it is done. Perfectly cooked pasta should be â€Å"al dente†, or firm to the bite. 6) Drain pasta immediately and follow the rest of the recipe, remembering to use a small amount of the water when adding to the sauce to allow for proper coverage on the pasta. Today, manufacturers have introduced nutritionally enhanced pasta varieties such as whole wheat (more difficult to cook â€Å"al dente†) whole grain and pasta fortified with omega-3 fatty acids and additional fiber. Some varieties of whole grain pasta can provide up to 25% of daily fiber requirements in a one cup portion. There are now more options than ever for consumers to enjoy healthy and economical meals every palate can appreciate depending which type or shape. Considering these facts, it’s not hard to see why pasta has been around for centuries and probably will be for many more. There are hundreds of different shapes of pasta with at least locally recognized names. The following is an attachment, listing some of the most popular shapes listed in order from A-Z as downloaded from the National Pasta Association’s website.