Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Influence of Teenage Pregnancy Reality Shows - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1356 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/04/26 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Teenage Pregnancy Essay Did you like this example? There are 200 episodes of Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant combined, with up to 2 million viewers per episode. The reality television show goes through the life of teenage mothers and their pregnancy. The teenage mothers express their mindset of being a young mother and insights on their lives. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Influence of Teenage Pregnancy Reality Shows" essay for you Create order Lauren Dolgen, the creator of 16 and pregnant, wrote an article on Cable News Network sharing why she created the series. She says that her intention for creating the series was to share cautionary tales about the consequences of unprotected sex, and the reality of becoming a parent too early. The series has certain aspects that discourage teenage pregnancy and others that may promote teenage pregnancy. The shows, 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom, discourage teenage pregnancy in young adult females. The media has an effect on people of all ages, but mainly teenagers and children. Media and technology is what the teenagers this generation grew up in and this is the type of society that they are a part of. The media can easily change the opinions of the viewer. Jennifer Stevens Aubrey, from the Department of Communication at the University of Arizona, conducted a study on Understanding the Effects of MTVs 16 and Pregnant on Adolescent Girls Beliefs, Attitudes, and Behavioral Intentions Towards Teen Pregnancy. She explained how the social cognitive theory worked, and how viewers develop a connection with characters of media through homophily and parasocial interaction (Aubrey 3). The social cognitive theory is a theory that claims observing others has an effect on a persons actions. She defines homophily as the degree to which viewers perceive themselves to be like the characters in terms of traits, abilities, and backgrounds, and parasocial interaction is when the viewer perceives a relationship of friendship with a media personality based on affective ties with that persona (Aubrey 3). Aubrey goes into more detail on how the social cognitive theory works with the viewers watching. The connection a viewer has with the media has an effect on how they relate the situation to their life. If they see the person in the program not having a positive experience with being a teenage mother, the audience is discouraged to have an infant at this age. Some people may say that the media does not affect the way people may think in the real world. That these productions are purely for entertainment. Melissa Kearney and Phillip Levine from the National Bureau of Economic Research studied, The impact of MTVs 16 and Pregnant on Teen Childbearing. They state that the entertainment media references 16 and Pregnant as a hit show based off of Nielsen Television ratings (Kearney and Levine 10). Aubrey supports this point as well by saying 16 and Pregnant is the most, highly rated cable show among female viewers 1234 years of age in 2010. High ratings indicate that the series attracts lots of viewers because of its entertaining qualities. The series does have to be entertaining for it to succeed in the television industry, but it is not only entertainment, its educational aspects are as deliberate as the entertainment aspects. 16 and Pregnant may be conceptualized as an entertainment-education program, as it seeks to entertain and educate its target audience (Aubrey 2). The show is intentionally made for audiences to obtain a look into the mothers lives as a way to learn about teenage pregnancy. An example of an educational moment in the show is when, Three-quarters of the girls (36 of 47) report not using any form of contraception at the time they got pregnant (Kearney and Levine 9). The production is demonstrating the effect of not using birth control showing a first-hand experience for the young audience to learn from. The show is both entertaining and educational, making it a way to have an effect on teenagers to discourage teenage pregnancy. The program may be interesting to audiences because it is a reality tele vision show that is filled with a great deal of drama. The series illustrates the hardships of being pregnant and a mother at such a young age. Just over half (24 out of 44) of the relationships between the girl and her boyfriend either collapsed or were very strained by the end of the episode (Kearney and Levine 9). This is an example of how the real life of a teenage mothers relationship with the father. Eliana Dockterman, a writer for Time Magazine that focuses on womens issues, explained how the mothers,fight with the fathers of their children (many of whom have now left them), fight with their parents (who are usually supporting them), struggle financially, struggle to finish their degree and watch their friends enjoy prom and college without them. The production is filled with drama and undesirable lifestyles for a young adult. These instances have a negative impact on a teenagers opinion towards being a young parent persuading them not to get pregnant at this age. By bringing attention through the mass media of teenage pregnancy, 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom may be seen to glamorize teenage pregnancy. It may seem glamorized due to the fact that teenagers crave the fame that can come with the series. Most of the mothers featured on the shows become celebrities and role models to teenage girls (Dockterman). Since the series is a famous, well-known show, it may seem it is glamorized, but observing an actual episode, it reveals drama and an undesirable life style. Even if the production is glamorized, which it is not, then most the audience will realize that the series is slightly unrealistic and know the show is not promoting teenage pregnancy. In the study Kearney and Levine did with teenagers,82 percent of teens who report watching 16 and Pregnant indicate that it helps teens better understand the challenges of pregnancy and parenthood. Only 17 percent report that it glamorizes teen pregnancy. Establishing the struggles of being a young mother affects the overall rates of teenage pregnancy. The rates of teenage pregnancy have been going down over the years in the U.S. These series have had a slight effect on aiding those rates. Heather D. Boonstra from Guttmacher Institute writes in the passage, What Is Behind the Declines in Teen Pregnancy Rates?, There was a 51% decline in U.S. teen pregnancy from a peak in 1990, including a 15% drop between 2008 and 2010. With a decrease in teenage pregnancy rates, it portrays that there is a correlation between the series airing and the decrease in teenage pregnancy. Though there is a correlation between the teenage pregnancy rates going down, the show may not be the reason for that correlation. Dockterman writes, Though researchers who reviewed the study said the results are sound, it only proves correlation, not causation. There has been a study that this series has had direct effects on the rate of teenage pregnancy. The National Bureau of Economic Research concluded that the results of this analysis imply that the introduction o f this MTV show led to a 4.3 percent reduction in teen births in the 18 months following its initial airing(Kearney and Levine 2). The National Bureau of Economic Research discovered that geographical areas with more viewers have had more of a decrease in teenage pregnancy rates. (Kearney and Levine 11). Kearney and Levines data depicts that the viewing of the MTV program has direct causation in the decrease in teenage pregnancy rates. There are plenty of viewpoints on whether or not these programs promote or discourage teenage pregnancy, but it is evident that the show discourages teenage pregnancy. The series, 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom, influence its viewers to not have to deal with being pregnant and caring for an infant as a teenager. Media is able to have a substantial impact on the life of the audience. The production displays an unwanted lifestyle for a young adult. With the media playing such an important role in teenagers opinions, it has been able to have a positive effect on the rate of teenage pregnancy. The media has a major effect on influencing the viewers, but should not always affect morals and opinions on significant life-changing choices people may make. With over half a billion views of the series, 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom are making an impact on how people may view teenage pregnancy.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Symptoms And Treatment Of Ocd - 2051 Words

Introduction OCD is a psychological disorder that affects a wide variety of people; OCD affects approximately two to three percent of the general population. (Ambramowitz, Taylor, and McKay 2009). Ambramowitz and others also state that with this percent, OCD affects about twice as many people as schizophrenia. With this many people affected, the question of what the most effective way of treating the condition needs to be asked. The answer to the question of what the most effective way of treating OCD was answered using the methodology of reviewing many different studies that researched the three main options for treatment. These options include; medication, therapy, and a combination. The effectiveness is determined by the percent†¦show more content†¦The supposed obsession must cause great distress or consume at least an hour of time per day. (DSM-VI). The effected must also recognize that the disease is an excessive or unreasonable; these do not apply to children. OCD causes people to think differently and to want to obsess or fixate on things that they know they should not be focused on as much. There are many different things that go towards helping people to fix this so they can have their life back. The only question is; what is the best way to do so? One main way to fix this issue is serotonin reuptake inhibitors. This is a pharmacological treatment option, and the inhibitors include drugs such as Clomipramine and Sertraline. Clomipramine and Sertraline are primarily the same thing as far as effectiveness and function go. However, there is one difference between the two medications, and that is that Sertraline is better tolerated by the human body than Clomipramine is. Serotonin reuptake inhibitors work by interrupting and affecting the serotonin receptors in the brain. There are, however, a few problems with the inhibitor drugs. One major problem is that these medications are only effective in some patients (Ambramowitz, etc., 2009). This was proven in a study of 18 randomized trials in which the effect size was 0.91. The people in this study were given pharmacological treatment designed to treat OCD. Some patients showed symptoms after they were taken off of the

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Journal Article Critique Free Essays

Journal Article Critique I chose to read the article, â€Å"Osteoporosis in multiple sclerosis† written by Andrew P Hearn and Eli Silber. It is an understanding about osteoporosis and the connection it might have with multiple sclerosis (MS) compared to patients that do not have multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disability that affects a great amount of young adults. We will write a custom essay sample on Journal Article Critique or any similar topic only for you Order Now The longer a person has multiple sclerosis, the more the person loses strength in there bones. Osteoporosis occurs when the body does not absorb the required amount of bone mineral density (BMD), which reduces bone strength. Both men and women have different factors that can increase the risks of getting osteoporosis. This article explains that MS is the second cause of disability (neurological), along with one sixth of white women in their lifetime will have a hip fracture. Diagnosing osteoporosis for men and women along with their risk factors are included in this reading. This article also contains past results from studies of multiple sclerosis patients with bone mass density. Some risk factor levels are unclear and large-scale studies are needed for clear results and connections. Along with this information, it includes management guidelines for the general population that has osteoporosis. This reading also includes insight of the process of chronic inflammatory with multiple sclerosis along with the role of vitamin D in both osteoporosis and multiple sclerosis. This article has a great impact for health care professionals with the information that it gives and in the areas where more research is needed. It is also important because it shows the connection that medication, vitamins, and minerals have and which ones have a greater impact on multiple sclerosis and osteoporosis in both men and women. It is also important because the results include congenital, acquired, lifestyle, and latrogenic factors. These factors are necessary for health care providers to compare these results to their own patients as well as being helpful for future studies. This reading is also important because it shows what bones have a greater risk associated with bone mass density (BMD). This current evidence is a useful guideline for management protocol until more evidence is acquired. Resources Hearn, A. P. , Silber, E. (2010). Osteoporosis in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis,  16(9), 1031. Turley, S. (2011). Medical language: Immerse yourself (2nd ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Medical Terminology Breakdown |Medical Word |Prefix |Combining form |Suffix |Definition | |1 |osteoporosis |None |oste/o- (bone), por/o- |-osis (condition; abnormal |abnormal rarefaction of bone | | | | |(small opining, pores) |conditions, process) | | |5 |chronic |None |Chron/o- (time) |-ic (pertaining to) |disease that persists over a long period| | | | | | | | |6 |inflammatory |None |Inflamat/o- (redness and |-ory (having the function |Having the function of redness and | | | | |warmth) |of) |warmth | |7 |demineralization |de- (reversal of;|mineral/o- (mineral; |-ization (pertaining to) |pertaining to lack of | | | |without) |electrolyte) | |mineral/electrolyte | |8 |anticoagulant |anti- (against) |coagul/o- (clotting) |-ant (pertaining to) |A substance that prevents the clotting | | | | | | |of blood. | |9 |lumbar |None |lumb/o- (lower back, area |-ar (pertaining to) |part of the back and sides between the | | | | |between the ribs and | |lowest ribs and the pelvis | | | | |pelvis) | | | |10 |femoral |None |femor/o- (thigh bone) |-al (pertaining to) |pertaining to the femur or the thigh | How to cite Journal Article Critique, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Dry Pasta free essay sample

The purpose I present about this topic is to introduce and help everyone to gain further knowledge about pasta. Although everyone know what is pasta, and eats pasta, but I am sure that anyone of us do not know what the actual history of pasta is. Furthermore, I will also explain the benefits of pasta, pasta shapes, recommendation of sauces for different types of pasta, and the basic way of cooking pasta. Pasta is an Italian food made from dough using flour, water and eggs. When talking about the origin of pasta, a distinction needs to be made between fresh and dry pasta. Fresh pasta is dough made of flour and water and is present in most cultures and on all continents. Dry pasta began in Italy and embarked from there to conquer the world. People have believed that Marco Polo introduced spaghetti from China to Italy, but that is incorrect. Dried pasta made without eggs can be stored for up to two years under ideal conditions, while fresh pasta will keep for a few days under refrigeration. In Italy, the dough made mostly from durum wheat or, more rarely, buckwheat flour, with water and, sometimes eggs. Pasta comes in a variety of different shapes that serve for both decoration and to act as a carrier for the different types of sauces ( puttanesca, amatriciana, carbonara, etc. ) and foods ( gnocchi, lasagna, tortellini, ravioli, etc. ). Pasta is eaten in Italy only as the first course or as â€Å"piatto unico†. WHO â€Å"INVENTED† PASTA? Popular legend has it that Marco Polo introduced pasta to Italy following his exploration of the Far East in the late 13th century; however, we can trace pasta back as far as the 4th century. But it was Thomas Jefferson who was credited with bringing the first â€Å"macaroni† machine to America in 1789 when he returned home after serving as ambassador to France. The first industrial pasta factory in America was built in Brooklyn, in 1848 by a Frenchman, who spread his spaghetti strands on the roof to dry in the sunshine. HOW IS PASTA MADE? 1) Mixing: American dry pasta is made with semolina, which is produced by grinding kernels of durum wheat. Sometimes other hard wheat are also used. The semolina is mixed with water until it forms a dough. If any other ingredients are being added to the pasta, such as eggs to make egg noodles, or spinach or tomato to make red or green colored pasta, those ingredients are added at this stage. 2) Extruding: The dough is kneaded until it reaches the correct consistency, and then it is pushed or extruded, through a die, a metal disc with holes in it. The size and shape of the holes in the die determine what the shape of the pasta will be. When the extruded pasta reaches the right length, it is cut with sharp blades that rotate beneath the die. The pasta is then sent through large dryers which circulate hot moist air to slowly dry the pasta. Because different pasta shapes vary in degrees of thickness, they dry for different lengths of time. Most take 5 or 6 hours to dry. 4) Packing: The dried pasta is then packed in bags or boxes. Some of the more fragile pasta shapes, such as lasagna and manicotti, are often packed by hand to protect them from breaking. HOW DO YOU COOK PASTA PERFECTLY EVERYTIME? 1) Boil 4 to 6 quarts of salted water for one pound of dry pasta 2) Add pasta with a stir and return water to a boil. 3) Stir the pasta occasionally during cooking. If the pasta is to be used as part of a dish that requires further cooking, undercook the pasta by 1/3 of the cooking time. 5) Taste the pasta to determine if it is done. Perfectly cooked pasta should be â€Å"al dente†, or firm to the bite. 6) Drain pasta immediately and follow the rest of the recipe, remembering to use a small amount of the water when adding to the sauce to allow for proper coverage on the pasta. Today, manufacturers have introduced nutritionally enhanced pasta varieties such as whole wheat (more difficult to cook â€Å"al dente†) whole grain and pasta fortified with omega-3 fatty acids and additional fiber. Some varieties of whole grain pasta can provide up to 25% of daily fiber requirements in a one cup portion. There are now more options than ever for consumers to enjoy healthy and economical meals every palate can appreciate depending which type or shape. Considering these facts, it’s not hard to see why pasta has been around for centuries and probably will be for many more. There are hundreds of different shapes of pasta with at least locally recognized names. The following is an attachment, listing some of the most popular shapes listed in order from A-Z as downloaded from the National Pasta Association’s website.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Johann Sebastian Bach Biography Essays (2271 words) -

Johann Sebastian Bach Biography Johann Sebastian Bach Biography Throughout the history of music, many great composers, theorists, and instrumentalists have left indelible marks and influences that people today look back on to admire and aspire to. No exception to this idiom is Johann Sebastian Bach, whose impact on music was unforgettable to say the least. People today look back to his writings and works to both learn and admire. He truly can be considered a music history great. Bach, who came from a family of over 53 musicians, was nothing short of a virtuosic instrumentalist as well as a masterful composer. Born in Eisenach, Germany, on March 21, 1685, he was the son of a masterful violinist, Johann Ambrosius Bach, who taught his son the basic skills for string playing. Along with this string playing, Bach began to play the organ which is the instrument he would later on be noted for in history. His instruction on the organ came from the player at Eisenach's most important church. He instructed the young boy rather rigorously until his skills surpassed anyones expectations for someone of such a young age. Bach suffered early trauma when his parents died in 1695. He went to go live with his older brother, Johann Christoph, who also was a professional organist at Ohrdruf. He continued his younger brother's education on that instrument, as well as introducing him to the harpsichord. The rigorous training on these instruments combined with Bachs masterful skill paid off for him at an early age. After several years of studying with his older brother, he received a scholarship to study in Luneberg, Germany, which is located on the northern tip of the country. As a result, he left his brothers tutelage and went to go and study there. The teenage years brought Bach to several parts of Germany where he mainly worked as an organist in churches, since that was the skill he had perfected the best from his young training. However, a master of several instruments while still in his teens, Johann Sebastian first found employment at the age of 18 as a violinist in a court orchestra in Weimar. Although he did not remain there terribly long, he was able to make good money playing for the king. He soon after accepted a position as a church organist in Arnstadt. It was here that Bach would soon realize his high standards and regards that he had for music. In Arnstadt as well as in many other places that Bach worked he was notorious for getting into fights over the quality of music that was being produced. A perfect example of this can be seen in Arnstadt. Previous accounts of history claim that Bach was upset with the performance of the church choir for which he played for. He claimed that the voices could never make the musi c soar to the sky as it should (loosely translated). Here Bach realized the high level of music and perfectionism that he wanted. In 1707, at the age of 22, Bach moved on from Arnstadt to another organist job, this time at the St. Blasius Church in Muhlhausen. Once again he did not remain there too long, only a little over a year, when he moved again to Weimar where he accepted the position of head concertmaster and organist in the Ducal Chapel. It was here that Bach settled himself and began to compose the first collection of his finest early works which, included organ pieces and cantatas. By this time Bach had been married for several years. He actually became married to his cousin Maria Barbara. They, for the most part, had a happy marriage. He was happy. By this stage of his life he had composed for himself a wonderful reputation of being a brilliant musical talent. Along with that his proficiency on the organ was unequaled in Europe by this time. In fact, he toured regularly as a solo virtuoso, and his growing mastery of compositional forms, like the fugue and the canon, were already attracting interest from the musical establishment, which, in his day, was the Lutheran church. The church began to look at Bachs writings and saw the opportunity to possibly use

Monday, November 25, 2019

Boracay Famous White Beach Tourism Essay Essay Example

Boracay Famous White Beach Tourism Essay Essay Example Boracay Famous White Beach Tourism Essay Essay Boracay Famous White Beach Tourism Essay Essay Harmonizing to Tourism Philippines, Boracay is celebrated for its long white sandy beaches, and is besides a popular mercantile establishment for H2O athleticss activities such as aqualung diving, snorkeling, sailing etc. Other than the flaxen beaches, Boracay is good known for the night life and party scene. There are legion bars and nines along the whole stretch of beach, largely located at station 2 of Boracay. Spas are besides readily at most topographic points ; you can even happen free-lance masseurs policing the beaches! ( Tourism Philippines, 2008, Retrieved From: hypertext transfer protocol: //tourism-philippines.com/boracay-travel-guide/ ) Harmonizing to corporate.mozcom.com, The best portion of the island is its 4 kilometer. White Beach, besides called long beach by the locals. It is situated at the west seashore between the small towns of Angol and Balabag, and some experient travelers claim it to be the finest beach of all Asia. The H2O is shallow here and its sand brighter and finer than most beaches in the archipelago. There are about 350 beach resorts with 2000 suites to accommodate virtually everyone s gustatory sensation. There is adjustment of all types and monetary value classs. Restaurants range organize the native fastfood stables to constitutions that would fulfill even a epicure. You can happen beer articulations every bit good as discos with astonishing visible radiation and sound equipment. ( corporate.mozcom.com, n.d, Retrieved From: hypertext transfer protocol: //corporate.mozcom.com/dot/r6/borfacts.html ) Nestor P. Burgos Jr. of the Filipino Daily Inquirer states that, DISCERNING travellers and tourers prefer finishs off the beaten path. But many of them still stop up in the world-famous beach of Boracay Island in Aklan. This is because of its white beach and all right white sand and crystal clear Waterss, harmonizing to Edwin Trompeta, regional manager for Western Visayas of the Department of Tourism. The beach and Waterss combined with the island s nightlife brand Boracay irresistible, he says. Despite contentions on land ownership and unregulated development, Boracay has drawn more tourers every twelvemonth because of its celebrated white beach, systematically included in the lists of the best beaches in the universe. Furthermore, the planetary economic slack has failed to stifle tourer reachings with new foreign markets and local tourers doing up for the slack in visitants from states hit hard by the universe recession. As a affair of fact, tourer reachings on the island have been on the upswing for a decennary. They are up from 554,181 tourers in 2006, 596,707 in 2007, 634,263 in 2008 and 649,559 last twelvemonth. For the first five months of this twelvemonth, tourer reachings have grown by 12 per centum, harmonizing to informations from the touristry office of Malay town in Aklan. Boracay s extremum season normally begins in October and stopping points until May the undermentioned twelvemonth From January to May 2010, tourer reachings reached 378,694, higher than the 337,664 tourers who visited the island in the same period last twelvemonth and the 320,994 tourers who came in 2008. The highest figure was recorded in May with tourer reachings making 101,349, higher than the 92,813 tourers in the same month in 2009 and 83,731 in 2008. More than 600,000 local and foreign tourers visited the white sand beaches and assorted parts of Boracay during the period, more than 40 per centum higher than the 2009 figure of around 470,000. DOT 6 said they have recorded more than 230,000 foreign tourers in the island as of early October. . This is good intelligence amid the assorted travel advisories issued by several states against sing in the Philippines, the DOT 6 said. The United States, Australia and United Kingdom had earlier issued advisories as safeguards in going to the state in the aftermath of reported panic menaces. The touristry of Boracay is go oning to turn in fact, The News Today states that, Boracay s gross, chiefly due to touristry, has reached P 12.17 billion as of the 3rd one-fourth, higher compared to last twelvemonth s figures. Income from touristry in Boracay from January to May make P6,961,683.28. ( Burgos, 2010, Retrieved From: hypertext transfer protocol: //newsinfo.inquirer.net/inquirerheadlines/regions/view/20100814-286677/Boracay-tourism-still-up-amid-woes ) Tourist Attractions and Activities in Boracay Harmonizing to travelnet.com, Boracay is celebrated for the followers: Beachs / White Beach Boracay self-praises of a sugary white sand beach and cerulean bluish Waterss. The best portion of the island is the four-kilometer White Beach known to be the finest beach in the universe. The encompassing H2O is shallow and the sand is finer and brighter than most beaches in the archipelago. White Beach is so, soooo mulct, it feels like steping on stat mis of babe pulverization! Aquasports The island Eden of Boracay is a perfect topographic point for watersports. Here, you can partake in a assortment of exhilirating aqua action from swimming and snorkeling to scuba diving, windsurfing, sailboating, kayaking, boardsailing, and yachting. Nature Stumbling / Eco-Adventure World-renowned Boracay is an escapade island ideal for island hopping, hike, trekking, undermining, mountain mounting, biking, and horseback equitation. Trekking and mountain biking can convey even the intrepid to the island s quaint inside small towns and to the borders scenic bouldery drops, detecting along the manner many concealed coves with stray beaches far from the tourer crowd. Boardsailing at Bulabog Beach On the eastern side of Boracay Island is Bulabog Beach. It is a boardsailor s Mecca that draws partisans from all over the universe, particularly during the extremum season from November to March. In January, it is the site of an International Funboard Cup. Paraw Regatta Sailboating and kayaking are popular sporting activities, with Boracay playing host to the one-year Paraw Regatta, an international sailing boat race that makes usage of the native outrigger. Diving Dive sites surround the island and are larning locales to both novitiates and professional frogmans, guided by competent teachers of the many dive stores that operate in the country. For trueblue aqualung plunging partisans, Yapak in Boracay is a great deep honkytonk. Recreational Sports Laid-back Boracay is the perfect locale for golf, tennis, bowling, even beach volleyball. Top-of-class comfortss for these activities are available in the island. For golf bugs, Fairways and Bluewater Resort Golf and Countryclub has an 18-hole title class. Partyhopping The codification in Boracay is purely informal. Walking barefoot than shod is the regulation instead than the exclusion. Singing discos have the beach for a floor, giving dance a new turn. From twilight to click, the island turns into one large party topographic point where everyone is welcome to fall in in. Mambo Number 5 For the adventure-driven, Mambo Number 5 is a small spot of boating and air current surfboarding, a small spot of aqualung diving, a small spot of trekking, a small spot of mountain biking, and a small spot of golf. Shoping Bargain shopping is a joy of a recreation while in Boracay. Souvenir pieces provide eternal possibilities, from bangles and native accoutrements made of shells and semi-precious rocks to alien or modern-day beach wear and manner graphicss. Dining The gustatory sensation of the 6th Region, to which Boracay belongs, is rather simple. Charbroiled poulet is common menu. Another favourite dish is natural fish marinated in spicy acetum. Dining is no job in Boracay, with most resorts holding their ain eating houses that serve both Filipino and international culinary arts. Small bite bars line the island. Relaxation Diversions are non a job in Boracay, with leisure activities calendared throughout the twelvemonth and comfortss offered by some 350 tourer constitutions. The island is ideal for beachbumming, relaxing, and merely idling about. At the terminal of the twenty-four hours, unwind with a restful massage. The island neer runs out skilled masseurs offering massage services by the beach. For a more epicurean dainty, see the new Mandala Spa. Boracay Boardsailing The picture-perfect tropical island of Boracay offers flat-water velocity seafaring, wave jumping, and longboard cruising. White Beach, shielded from the amihan, or north-east monsoon, is for novices. Bulabog Beach, on the other side of the island, has ideal conditions for velocity, slalom, and high-wind shortboard seafaring. It is besides the site of the one-year Boracay International Funboard Cup. Tabon Strait has superb high-performance seafaring, but there is a existent hazard of being swept off, so this site is for skilled crewmans merely. Tibiao Whitewater River Rising near the extremum of Mt. Madja-as, the Tibiao River descends about 2000m on its short but disruptive journey to the sea. The lower subdivision of the river, known as the Chicken Run , is grade 3 ; the more hard upper subdivision reaches grade 4. The Tibiao has all the authoritative characteristics of a tropical white water river, with rich flora hemming the Bankss, positions of rice patios, dramatic falls and clear H2O. The river is close to Boracay and easy accessible. Natural Formations Beachs / White Beach Boracay self-praises of a sugary white sand beach and cerulean bluish Waterss. The best portion of the island is the four-kilometer White Beach known to be the finest beach in the universe. The encompassing H2O is shallow and the sand is finer and brighter than most beaches in the archipelago. White Beach is so, soooo mulct, it feels like steping on stat mis of babe pulverization! Festivals Ati-Atihan ( 2nd weekend of January ) January is the clip to hang loose in Kalibo, the Land of the Atis and the gateway to Boracay. For all of three yearss, it celebrates the Ati-Atihan Festival where frenzied streetdancing is performed by costumed and black-sooted folks as they wend through the chief streets from morning until the witching hours. Ati-Atihan commemorates the 13th-century land trade between 10s migrating Bornean captains and the Aboriginal Ati King Marikudo. It besides honors the town frequenter, the baby Santo Nino. To the concomitant of 100s of lyres and membranophones, revelers throw all suppressions to the air current as they join the folks in a huffy gigue punctuated by rhythmic cries of: Hala bira! Puera pasma! Hala bira! Viva Santo Nino! ( Loosely translated: Let travel! Do nt acquire ill! Let travel! Hail the Holy Child! ) Paraw Regatta Annually, Boracay Island plays host to the Paraw Regatta, an international sailing boat race that makes usage of the native outrigger. International Funboard Cup A music and dance celebration picturing the history, folklore, and traditions of the Lobocanons. Bolibong Kingking is a term applied to the membranophones and tam-tams and their beat used to attach to the invocation dance rite in forepart of the Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the 2nd Patron of Loboc. Pana-ad SA Loboc ( Holy Thursday A ; Good Friday ) Bulabog Beach, situated on the eastern side of Boracay Island, is a boardsailor s Mecca that draws partisans from all over the universe. Every January, it is the site of an International Funboard Cup. Selling Boracay A survey was undertaken for the International Finance Corp. ( IFC ) by a squad of Filipino and German consultantsA to better and develop Boracay to do it a first tourer finish. Harmonizing to this survey, the program is accomplishable and through this, the island of Boracay can vie with other world-renowned beaches like those in Phuket, Thailand and Bali, Indonesia. The program is to redesign the selling scheme to do the island more seeable and accessible to tourers from around the universe, declared IFC Country Manager Vipul Bhagat. Boracay is presented as a oasis of good investing chances, paying attending to strategic touristry selling and publicity so as to ask for and carry more tourers into sing the island. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.mb.com.ph/node/61659 The survey emphasizes the major alterations which are intended to be done and implemented to develop, sustain and do Boracay a major finish for high-ticket touristry. These alterations include the transportation of solid waste direction installation from Boracay to Caticlan ; the building of low-cost mainland lodging to ease migration and congestion in Boracay ; improved conveyance installation between Boracay and Caticlan ; development of Caticlan s airdrome and marina ; a Caticlan-based full service infirmary to react to exigencies, and ; an agro-industrial centre in Caticlan with ice and cold storage installations and a public market. Issues like migration, zoning, deficiency of wellness installations and medical forces, ocular and noise pollution, solid waste and H2O direction, energy supply and intra- and inter-island conveyance are besides addressed. In add-on, the edifice of educational installations offering tourism-related services, environmental direction and eco-tourism in Caticlan was besides recommended to raise the consciousness of the locals to go on preserving, prolonging and developing the island that is considered as one of the Philippines most cherished and cherished natural resources. .A To get down with the selling and strategic direction development, the IFC conducted a web selling seminar for local functionaries and business communities to better and hone their accomplishments and use the usage the Internet to market Boracay and better and build-up its image. A separate forum for possible investors was besides held in Manila.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Unit 1 -IP- Research Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 1 -IP- Research Strategy - Essay Example Consequently, crime rate in US is increasing at a consistent rate for last two decades. At the same time, it is suggested to law enforcement agencies to cultivate a culture of critical information sharing in the public through offering financial rewards. In this way, people will get motivated towards pointing out criminals in the society. This development may well serve as a substitute for unannounced public surveillance (Koppen, Eleffers, & Ruiter, 2011). In parallel, this paper will accumulate necessary information about the phenomenon of public surveillance, through series of focus group discussion with governmental officials in order to document their viewpoint. On the other hand, public opinion will also be summarized through a similar technique (Muller, 2011). Notably, this research will develop its argument through qualitative means. Because, of the subjective nature of issue at hand. In this way, interviewers can abstract meanings from other sources such as body language and other similar factors. On the ethical front, this research will not disclose any participant’s identity. At the same time, the research procedure will be kept transparent through reporting the views of public and government in their original form (Sofaer & Eyal, 2010). However, general public management implications may be derived from the information collected. Koppen, M., Eleffers, H., & Ruiter, S. (2011). When to Refrain from Using Likelihood Surface Methods for Geographic Offender Profiling: An Ex Ante Test of Assumptions. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling 8 ,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

QUANTAS Case Study Customer Service Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

QUANTAS Customer Service - Case Study Example Assuming that each meaningful interaction will last five minutes to make the customer feel â€Å"important† and running over the entire month (Qantas Airlines). QANTAS would require 7,111 customer representatives which will cost approximately $213 million a year. Airline ticketing before the advent of computers and the internet was the most complex process in the entire airline industry. At the onset airline reservations are called in by the customers for available flights of a particular route. The information from the call would then be given to a central ticketing and monitoring center that creates â€Å"cards† for every call. These reservations are then matched with the available seats of the flight and the central booking for the flight will then be updated at the central booking office. The information about the seat availability of each flight will in turn be transmitted to all the booking office to ensure that they do not overbook a flight. Realizing the expandi ng role of air travel and the upward trend of its patrons American Airlines in 1946 installed the first electromechanical reservoir system (Winston). And in 1953 American Airlines started the SABRE project and it was finally installed and used in 1964 (Wilkinson). For many years to come until the present SABRE remains the yardstick in ticketing service provisioning. Several alliances worldwide have significantly contributed to SABRE and its profitability given the complexity and expense of airline reservation. ONE World is such an alliance, this particular alliance does not limit itself to ticketing and reservation however. ONE World also leverages for its members bulk purchasing of parts and services practically positioning its members to capitalize on its strategic strength and presence worldwide. In the context of customer service provisioning ONE World would enable QANTAS airlines’ customer to book flights practically in every parts of the world. To illustrate: A QANTAS p assenger who wants to go to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania would first have to book a flight from wherever parts of Australia he is using the local QANTAS hub to the international hub of QANTAS in Queensland, Australia going to Detroit Metro in the United States. From Detroit Metro the QANTAS passenger will have to board a plane to of a ONE World member airline to Lehigh Valley International Airport and then drive by car to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Instead of calling several airlines to determine what flights are available going to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania the QANTAS passenger would just need to place a single call and all the bookings will be arranged using the ticketing and airline reservation system of ONE World. The whole process, without the assistance of ONE World’s system would have taken the entire day for the passenger. However, given that every reservation office of QANTAS is connected to ONE World the whole process could only take a couple of minutes. Since practically it would seem that QANTAS is the ONE making all the arrangements and the interfacing in the customer’s behalf, it would seem as far as the passenger is concerned it is QANTAS who have made his life easier. Case Study The challenges that QANTAS face in the next couple of years in order to remain competitive is to drive its operating cost further without compromising the quality of its service. As per the case study material presented, QANTAS’ edge has always been its ability to manage change effectively and efficiently.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Destination presentation reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Destination presentation reflection - Essay Example We started the research by firstly strategizing on how the tasks will be accomplished and breaking the complex task into small, simple tasks that would easily be handled by members. Every member of the group handled particular parts (s), which were allocated basing on the individual’s interest, accessibility to research materials, expertise in research among other considerations as posited by Burke and Barron (2014). For instance, a member would handle the background to the Cornwall AONB Management Plan while another would handle the challenges faced by Cornwall AONB whereas someone else would research on possible solutions to the challenges and the steps that have so far been undertaken towards the circumvention of dire problems. We would then meet to discuss the findings, a factor that helped us to refine understanding through explanation and discussion, before finally combining the work and writing a presentation speech. In writing the presentation speech, each member would contribute the most important ideas that would bolster the quality and eminence of the speech, making it more precise, accurate, while at the same time, very informative. We had to discuss the speech various times. In the discussions, some parts were ironed out, words replaced, while some other aspects were added, just to ensure that it effectively portrays the group diversity as well as meet our objectives of informing the audience about various pertinent issues regarding the Cornwall AONB management plan. I handled the section which sought to establish the coverage and the factors that prompted the need for Cornwall AONB management plan. Apparently, the need for the Cornwall AONB management plan was triggered by changes in land management practices, up surging pollution levels, and the need to promote localism by having the surrounding community participating in making important decisions affecting Cornwall (Prideaux, 2009). I also found out that the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The UK Construction Industry: Impact of the Recession

The UK Construction Industry: Impact of the Recession INTRODUCTION Chapter 1: Background Information According to the Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR), the UK construction industry has 250,000 firms employing 2.1 million people, and contributes 8.2 percent of the nations Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Construction companies provide employment for every skill level from labourers to architects as well as the opportunity to work for every size of firm from family run businesses, to major contractors. Its efficient operation and competitiveness is also essential to the fulfilment of the Governments commitment to improve public services and infrastructure. The delivery of new schools, hospitals, affordable housing, eco homes, all depend on the success of the construction sector to deliver. Key issues the construction industry is facing in 2009 With cut-backs, uncertainty and more red tape it looks as if 2009 will be a challenge. To say the year has been one of turmoil and change is an understatement. The reeling financial markets and the swelling sense of gloom overshadowing the general economic outlook have, naturally, a corollary in the construction industry always a lag barometer for the economic climate. And the uncertainty is far from over. If some experts are correct, we may be witnessing just the initial battering of the storm. Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England, has admitted it is likely that the country is heading for a â€Å"prolonged and painful recession†. In the last twelve months, the national and global situation has worsened. So in this light, below are the authors predictions for the biggest issues that UK construction will face. Skills The recession is forcing employers to look at restructuring and, ultimately, redundancies. For an industry that has enjoyed a boom for years, this is going to be a massive change of mindset employers need to be very careful they manage any redundancies properly or we will see an increase in litigation in this area. However, and perhaps perversely, the industry will continue to suffer major skills shortages, particularly in the South-east, where 2012 is a tremendous opportunity, but one which casts a skills shadow. This time, project management skills will be in short supply, due to lack of training facilities or lack of investment in education sponsoring from construction companies, rather than labour, where the situation regarding migrant workers who may be returning to their native countries will continue to remain unclear into 2009. Sectors like caring, which still needs a lot of people will attract all the labour force. Temporary workers Agency workers are soon to be given similar rights to permanent staff. It is proposed that the law will change in 2010. The new law will mean that after 12 weeks on assignment, an agency worker will be entitled to ‘equal treatment meaning the same basic working and employment conditions as a comparable permanent employee, including equal pay, notice and holiday entitlement. For an industry that employs a large volume of temporary workers, this is going to be an administrative and financial challenge that will really make itself felt in 2009. Health and safety The recent downward trend in construction-related injuries may well be over, and 2009 could see a significant increase since contractors will be looking to cut down costs on training and overlooking basic safety measures. There are suggestions that considerably different levels of adherence to health and safety rules are due to the rapid influx of migrant workers. Different people behave and act in different ways although all working for UK construction companies. There are some people who are very meticulous about their work and adhere to each and every smallest safety precautions while there are others who can consider petty measures as time wasting. If evidence of this emerges in 2009, we could expect the industry to experience a crackdown from the HSE. We expect to see increasing postponement of Local Authority maintenance work, which will hit small contractors and subcontractors the hardest. The Government is talking about major investment in new schemes. The consequence is that, even allowing for more lending, spend will have to be clawed back from somewhere. It seems inevitable that this will be from maintenance. This will be counter-productive, as maintenance work which puts money into the pockets of smaller contractors, quickly is usually the fastest way to stimulate the economy. House building For what seems like forever, the Government has been hugely vocal about its target for three million new homes by 2020 and 10 ecotowns by 2020. As Construction News reported, housing minister Margaret Beckett is already re-articulating these as â€Å"ambitions† and â€Å"hopes†, rather than firm commitments. (from www.cnplus.co.uk/story.aspx) It would seem inevitable that â€Å"ambitions† might be downplayed further and become â€Å"future aspirations† before long. This will provide more worry for subcontractors who rely on the house-building sector for some of their work. The fact that the UK is still suffering a major shortage of housing particularly affordable housing, regardless of falling house prices does mean, however, that this semantic juggling will only be a 2009 phenomenon. Top 20 Construction Companies Q2 2009 The Top 20 construction companies league table, by construction news, ranks the UKs 20 biggest construction companies by turnover and profit, as follows. The table is updated quarterly, and was last updated inJune 2009. New Infrastructure New infrastructure output in the 12 months to the first quarter of 2009 was 7 per cent higher compared with the previous 12 months and the first quarter of 2009 was 2 per cent higher compared with the previous quarter. The outlook is becoming increasingly gloomy as the worsening economy hits the capital. London escaped the worst of the construction slowdown for much of 2008. Indeed, the value of underlying work starting on site fell by just 3 per cent in 2008. But construction starts in London fell sharply in the fourth quarter of 2008 as the worsening economic conditions took hold. The value of underlying construction starts has continued to slide during the opening months of 2009, with starts during the three months to February 35 per cent down on a year earlier. With financial and property related firms reducing their workforces, many developers have put planned construction projects on hold. The value of underlying office starts, which accounted for about a quarter of the value of underlying construction starts during 2007, fell 21 per cent last year. That said, some developers are still pressing forward with major office projects. Tighter mortgage conditions and sustained pessimism in the residential housing market are now severely impacting private housing construction in London. Having held up well during the first half of 2008, sector starts in the capital are now following a similar trend to the rest of the country. The value of underlying construction starts was  £150 million in the fourth quarter 2008, down 73 per cent on a year earlier. Construction prospects in London are becoming increasingly gloomy. The value of projects in the pre-construction pipeline has fallen away sharply, with underlying planning approvals falling by 36 per cent in value during the fourth quarter of 2008. Large projects are a significant feature of construction activity in London. At first glance the preconstruction pipeline for large projects looks promising. However, given the current economic climate, there is likely to be a higher than normal proportion of planned large projects to be either delayed or abandoned. This is due to the fact that the government is planning to spread its restricted allowable budget across several other vital sectors such as education and health. Nonetheless we should breathe a sign of relief when looking at big projects such Cross rail where preliminary works have begun this year and construction starting in 2010. We should also be looking at temporary relief projects such as the Olympics which need to be completed by mid 2012. These important projects are acting like a lifeline for major construction companies, while waiting for the bad economic climate to change a bit. Overall, construction starts has significantly deteriorated in 2009, which has affe cted small contractors a lot but there is still a glimmer of hope for major firms with very few massive projects. Chapter 2: History of recession The word recession has several meanings. The simplest one could be, a recession happens when our neighbour losses his or her job, and it is a depression when we are made redundant. Economic textbooks tell that a recession is what happens when the economy shrinks for six months on the trot. GDP is used to measure the size of the economy, and when the figures go negative for two successive three months periods (or quarters) the technical definition is met (from http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/economics/article5753844.ece). When recessions are prolonged past several months, they become depressions. Unlike recession there is no widely accepted textbook definition of a depression, although some say it comes when GDP shrinks by a total of 10 per cent. It will feel distinctly like a depression if a recession goes on for more than a year. After two years, talk of recessions is sure to be replaced by ultra-glum references to depression. Credit crunch timetable Year 2007 In February HSBC gives an early sign of the crisis to come when it warns of higher than expected mortgage defaults in its US business. In August BNP Paribas suspends three funds exposed to sub-prime mortgages. European Central Bank pumps â‚ ¬95 billion into the markets. In September Northern Rock seeks emergency funding. First run on a UK bank for more than 140 years. In October UBS, of Switzerland, is the worlds first major bank to announce losses from sub-prime-related investments, totalling $3.4 billion. Year 2008 In February Northern Rock is nationalised. In March Bear Stearns, the US investment bank, seeks emergency funding and is sold to JP Morgan in a cut-price deal, sparking week of turmoil in stock markets. In April Nationwide records first annual house price fall for 12 years. In September Lehman Brothers, the US investment bank, goes bust. Bradford Bingley is nationalised. In October The Icelandic banking system collapses. Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds TSB and HBOS are partly nationalised. Year 2009 In January UK officially enters recession. In March Base rate cut to 0.5 per cent. The credit crunch refers to a sudden shortage of funds for lending, leading to a resulting decline in loans available. A Credit Crunch can occur for various reasons: Sudden increase in interest rates (e.g. in 1992, UK government increased rates to 15%) Direct money controls by the government (rarely used by Western Governments these days) A lack of liquidity in the capital markets The recent credit crunch was driven by a sharp rise in defaults on subprime mortgages. These mortgages were mainly in America but the resulting shortage of funds spread throughout the rest of the world. Steps to 2007 / 08 Credit Crunch US mortgage lenders sell many inappropriate mortgages to customers with low income and poor credit. It is hoped with a booming housing market, the mortgages will remain affordable. Often there was lack of controls in the sale of mortgage products. Mortgage brokers got paid for selling a mortgage, so there was an incentive to sell mortgages even if they were too expensive and high chance of default. To sell more profitable subprime mortgages, mortgage companies bundled the debt into consolidation packages and sold the debt on to other finance companies. In other words, mortgage companies borrowed to be able to lend mortgages. The lending was not financed out of saving accounts, for example. These mortgage debts were bought by financial intermediaries. The idea was to spread the risk, but, actually it just spread the problem. Usually subprime mortgages would have a high risk assessment rating. But, when the mortgage bundles got passed onto other lenders, rating agencies gave these risky subprime mortgages a low risk rating. Therefore, the financial system denied the extent of risk in their balance sheets. Many of these mortgages had an introductory period of 1-2 years of very low interest rates. At the end of this period, interest rates increased. In 2007, the US had to increase interest rates because of inflation. This made mortgage payments more expensive. Furthermore, many homeowners who had taken out mortgages 2 years earlier now faced ballooning mortgage payments as their introductory period ended. Homeowners also faced lower disposable income because of rising health care costs, rising petrol prices and rising food prices. This caused a rise in mortgage defaults, as many new homeowners could not afford mortgage payments. These defaults also signalled the end of the US housing boom. US house prices started to fall and this caused more mortgage problems. For example, people with 100% mortgages now faced negative equity. It also meant that the loans were no longer secured. If people did default, the bank couldnt guarantee to recoup the initial loan. The number of defaults caused many medium sized US mortgage companies to go bankrupt. However, the losses werent confined to mortgage lenders, many banks also lost billions of pounds in the bad mortgage debt they had bought off US mortgage companies. Banks had to write off large losses and this made them reluctant to make any further lending, especially in the now dangerous subprime sector. The result was that all around the world, it became very difficult to raise funds and borrow money. The cost of interbank lending has increased significantly. Often it was very difficult to borrow any money at all. The markets dried up. This affected many firms who had been exposed to the subprime lending. It also affected a wide variety of firms who now have difficulty borrowing money. For example, biotech companies rely on ‘high risk investment and are now struggling to get enough funds. The slow down in borrowing has contributed to a slowing economy with the possibility of recession in the US a real problem. Credit Crunch in the UK UK mortgage lenders did not lend so many bad mortgages. Although mortgage lending became more relaxed in the past few years, it still had more controls in place than the US. However, it caused very serious problems for Northern Rock. Northern rock had a high percentage of risky loans, but, also had the highest percentage of loans financed through reselling in the capital markets. When the subprime crisis hit, Northern Rock could no longer raise enough funds in the usual capital market. It was left with a shortfall and eventually had to make the humiliating step to asking the Bank of England for emergency funds. Because the Bank asked for emergency funds, this caused its customers to worry and start to withdraw savings (even though savings werent directly affected) As a result of the credit crunch, the UK has seen a change in the mortgage market. Mortgages have become more expensive. Risky mortgage products- like 125% mortgages have been removed from the market. UK Banks continue to face problems. HBOS (Owner of Halifax) struggled to finance its balance sheet. Like Northern Rock, it financed an expansion of lending by borrowing. Now money markets have frozen up, they couldnt raise enough money to maintain liquidity. Falling House prices. Now that mortgages are difficult to get, demand for houses has slumped. Therefore, house prices have fallen. Lower house prices mean many face negative equity. Therefore, mortgage defaults now cost banks even more (because they cant get back the initial loan. Bradford Bingley was nationalised because it couldnt raise enough finance. The BB had specialised in buy to let loans, which are particularly susceptible to falling house prices. How long will the Credit Crunch Last? The credit crunch could last a long time. This is because: House prices are still falling in the US, reducing the value of mortgage loans Many homeowners still face rising interest rates, when their introductory periods come to an end It can be difficult to regain confidence in the financial markets A recession in the US and global downturn could cause a further rise in bad loans The cheerfully named Profile of Depression shows the fall in UK economic growth, as measured by GDP, following some ofthe key slumps of the past century. It compares these to todays crisis. It illustrates the level of fear among experts about the financial hurricane that has disabled Britain -the ‘Noughties bust had, until very recently, actually been worse than the Great Depression of the 1930s (although it was less ‘Great in Britain than it was in the US, where GDP shrank by more than 25%). LITERATURE REVIEW Chapter 3: Effects of recession on UK construction Industry First of all, some uncomfortable facts and figures: 4,500,000 people on council house waiting lists 300,000 construction jobs in danger across the sector 90,000 predicted job losses for Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) builders 71 percent fall in workload for the Federation of Master Builders (FMB) private house builders 61 percent FMB companies expecting lower workloads in 2009 quarter one 60 percent FMB companies reporting fall in workloads for fourth consecutive quarter 52 percent FMB builders warning they will be making staff cuts over the coming months 16 percent house price fall to date 8 construction companies going into insolvency every day 7.5 percent fall in building prices in the last quarter of 2008. The construction industry has been particularly badly hit as a result of the credit crunch and the down turn in the housing market. The industry is facing its biggest challenge for many years. The indicators are that many will struggle to survive in the current market, with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) predicting the loss of over 300,000 jobs within the industry and with 52 percent of FMB members warning that they will be making staff redundant over the coming months. There is currently a crisis in the housing market with many first time buyers unable to get a mortgage let alone afford a first home. Alongside this there are more than 90,000 families living in temporary accommodation and 1.6 million families on council house waiting lists; the case for building new homes is therefore very clear. However, news from the National House Building Council shows new home starts being at their lowest level since 1924. The authors feel that current proposals to deal with this desperate situation dont go far enough in tackling the real problems affecting the UK construction industry and the wider housing sector. If the UK construction industry is to have any realistic chance of surviving this recession, these 10 key issues need to be addressed to kick start the building industry. The effects of the recession are affecting all aspects of the UK national economy. In December 2008, the construction sector shrank at its fastest pace since records began. The most considerable decline was registered in house building, while the civil engineering and commercial sub-sectors also fell at record rates during that month. As well as the decline in the housing construction sector, the housing market has also slumped. According to the Halifax, house prices fell 16.2% in 2008, the biggest annual decline since it began keeping records in 1983. This has made buying a home more affordable when set against earnings than at any time since April 2003. However, getting a mortgage is difficult for many. Data from the Bank of England showed the number of mortgage approvals fell to 27,000 in November 2008, representing at least a nine-year low (from BBC News, 2 January 2009, www.news.bbc.co.uk). Roy Ayliffe, Director of Professional Practice at the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply, said: Once again, the housing sector bore the brunt of the crisis as purchasing managers reported significant reductions in new business. Amidst a climate of doom and gloom, firms were forced to axe more jobs in preparation for what is set to be another year of trouble and turmoil. (from Times Online, 5 January 2009, www.timesonline.co.uk) The UK government has plans for public spending and it is hoped that these will include major construction projects, such as roads, schools and other public buildings. This would help the construction industry and those companies that supply the construction industry to ensure continued employment for many. Businesses in the construction industry therefore need to ensure they remain competitive during this difficult economic climate. At the same time, they need to prepare the business to be able to take advantage of any future upturn in the market. Everyone knows the downturn has hit the industry badly. But research commissioned by The Construction News from Emap Glenigan shows the true extent of the contraction, how it breaks down by sector and region, and what the likely outcome for the rest of the year will be. Parts of the industry private housing, offices and industrial are badly affected by the deteriorating economic conditions and the credit crunch. The situation is brighter for those with jobs in infrastructure and the Olympics, although neither of these will be enough to sustain overall industry activity. Historically, economic growth below two per cent has been associated with falls in construction output. Last month, GDP growth for the second quarter was revised down to zero. Consensus forecasts suggest prospects for growth will slow even further in 2009. The gloomy economic conditions have led to a sharp fall in the flow of new projects in the pre-construction pipeline. Glenigan expects construction starts in the UK will fall by five per cent in value during 2009. Private housing has been most affected by the credit crunch. The reappraisal of risk by the banking sector has arguably led to more appropriate criteria for accessing credit. However, as a result the asset price bubble in the housing market has burst. This is causing a long-term contraction in demand since prospective buyers can no longer borrow as much to finance house purchases. Inevitably, those in private housing construction will have to find a way to either cut per unit costs or, more likely, adjust to a new, much lower, level of housing demand. The impact of the credit crunch on other private sector parts of construction industrial, offices, retail and hotels is different. These sectors have not suffered from the asset price bubble evident in private housing. However, investment in each of these sectors is affected by the prevailing economic conditions. As such, the immediate outlook is bleak but, with the Olympics on the horizon, construction prospects for the sector should start to improve in the latter half of 2009, when all major works will need to be started in order to be ready for 2012. The Government has had an ambitious construction-related spending programme across a number of sectors. Education and health in particular will benefit from an increase in the value of construction projects this year. But the Government is not immune to the economic slowdown. The absorption of Northern Rock has already put the Governments finances under pressure. Falling retail sales, rising unemployment and a decline in the profitability of UK firms will reduce tax receipts and add to its difficulties. Looking forward, the poor state of Government finances may jeopardise some of its proposed construction schemes. Major infrastructure projects will continue to help buoy the UK construction industry. Projects such as the widening of the M25 motorway and Crossrail are set to provide a boost to the sector. Ongoing projects such as Thameslink and the Edinburgh tram line will continue to contribute to the sectors workload for some time yet. Outside transport, the sector should also benefit from increased capital expenditure by water and electricity utilities. At present, the macroeconomic and sector-specific conditions are having a much bigger impact on the UK construction outlook than regional factors. Regional variations Differences in the composition of construction sectors within each region explain much of the variation in the regions respective prospects. For instance, regions where industrial construction is relatively significant, such as the West Midlands and Yorkshire and Humberside, will see the value of construction starts contract this year. The North-east, which has relatively less exposure to private housing than other regions, is faring better. Construction orders down 9% as property market slumps New orders in the British construction industry have continued to plunge as building firms are battered by the credit crunch. The Office for National Statistics said that orders fell by 9% in the three months to November, compared with the previous three months. They were 27% down on a year-on-year basis. The figures showed that new construction orders were particularly weak in November itself, diving 38.6% year-on-year. The private housing sector was a major casualty, with new orders down by 55% compared with a year ago. All the UK house builders have dramatically reined in their activity and cut jobs as the housing market has slumped. Howard Archer, chief UK and European economist at IHS Global Insight, said the data showed that the construction sectors recession deepened markedly in the fourth quarter of 2008. He sees little prospect of conditions improving soon. â€Å"With housing market activity and prices likely to remain depressed for some considerable time to come and the commercial property sector in dire straits, the construction sector looks set for extended weakness, despite some support from the government bringing forward some public construction activity and infrastructure spending as part of its fiscal stimulus package,† Archer said. Accountants Grant Thornton said that the construction and property sector was set to be the worst casualty of the economic downturn in 2009, plummeting by 75% in profitability and 71% in turnover from the same period last year. Clare Hartnell, head of property and construction at Grant Thornton, said: â€Å"Profitability and turnover within the construction and property sector are significantly driven by sales and market value; 2008 was a turbulent year as credit dried up and confidence plummeted, causing house prices and the number of properties sold to fall sharply. The decline in the residential market consequently has had a knock-on-effect on the construction sector, where problems have been exacerbated by huge debts as many proposed developments have been put on hold.† http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tnuPqsRPvjute_-qBacPptQoid=4output=image The year 2009 is set to be a trying year to say the least. Part of the reason for this is the current state of the economy. Lack of available credit will have an adverse effect on the ailing construction and property sector. http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tnuPqsRPvjute_-qBacPptQoid=6output=image The June Glenigan Index reveals that promised government funding has finally begun to filtering through to project starts. In particular a rise in educational, health and social housing projects starting on site have helped steady the Index, cutting the year-on-year decline to 20%. Workload trends: Infrastructure Infrastructure saw the value of underlying planning approvals (covering schemes under  £100M) fall sharply last year. Whilst the fall appears to have dampened the flow of project starts, with the value of underlying project starts during the first five months of 2009, 13% down on a year earlier, the overall prospects for the sector are bright. With the help of the new infrastructure planning commission, it is hoped that new planning consents for key projects can be accelerated. Impact of the recession on supply chain The construction industry has got the largest supply chain, compared with other industries. It ranges from mere nails to large modular constructions. It has been a major contributor since the dawn of this industry and has risen in vigour and strength over the years. Its integration with our industry has created a revolution that triggered the rise of new technologies powered by their contribution. This general introduction, gives us a fair knowledge of the value of supply chain to the construction industry. When this unexpected recession struck the markets with tremendous force, the construction industry felt the tremor, and its repercussions were felt throughout its branches. As the properties and developments went down, demand dropped, which in-turn left the developers with no option but to suspend majority of their works. The great â€Å"feeders† supply chain took its toll. Demand for their products vanished. Then the only rule of law that applies is â€Å"Survival of the fittest†, i.e. the one who could bring best deals could survive (both in price and Quality) and others would go bust. By and large the prices soured. Illustration with an example would clearly explain what the authors are trying to convey. Major components of our industry are cement, ready-mix, rebar and structural steel. Their price variation could indicate the trail recession took. http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tnuPqsRPvjute_-qBacPptQoid=2output=image All major supply resources have dropped in price dramatically one or the other time, to merely survive this recession rather than making profit. One of the major suppliers, now are for the ODA. Even they are experiencing the crunch. All the pre-allocated works, which assured definite return, are re-examined to align with the new prices. This has created friction, and even few of them moved on for adjudication. ODA has awarded contracts to around 1036 suppliers, most of which are small to medium sized businesses. This is a government initiative to prop up the middle class players, and there-by securing best deal contracts. Similar public investments could be seen in the health and education sectors, which form large part of the construction order-book and keep the pressure off. The main issue here is the growing trend of irresponsible pricing to win the scarce bids. That is, pricing below the cost. Many experts have warned of the return of industrial dispute culture of the 1980. This could ruin the objective. Recessionary impact was clearly felt when private investments dried up and forced the government twice to dip into the contingency budget. Due to this ill demand, there has been deterioration in construction product manufacturing. All heavy side manufacturers and 91% of light side manufacturers reported that sales had fallen; unprecedented results have been collected, research shows

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

I am using secondary research because it saves time. I will not have :: Business Management Studies

I am using secondary research because it saves time. I will not have to collect the data first hand, which will allow me time to evaluate the information found. I will research using the Internet, reports on Cadbury and magazine articles. Secondary research Secondary research is information that has previously been gathered from other sources. It is usually carried out by a third party company. The data is then analysed and made available for other companies. When using secondary data, care must be taken in ensuring the information is correct. The data analysis and presentation may be affected by the way the data has been collected. Secondary research methods include the Internet, textbooks, magazines, newspapers and reports. I am using secondary research because it saves time. I will not have to collect the data first hand, which will allow me time to evaluate the information found. I will research using the Internet, reports on Cadbury and magazine articles. I found the following information from Cadbury confectionary market review (2003) In 2003, Cadbury increased its share of the market to more than 29% in contrast to Nestle and Mars who have seen their share decline to 21% and 20%. The UK confectionary market continued to show growth in 1999, driving sales of 5.5 billion. Chocolate sales account for around 70% of the confectionary market, at 3.5 billion, while the remaining 30% is made up of sweets, worth more than 1.75 billion. These graphs show me the age and sex of the consumers of confectionary products. This tells me about the area of the market my product is aimed at. It tells me that more children eat the products than buy it. It also shows that 35.7% of 0-16 year olds eat confectionary products, which tells me there is a want for chocolate from my target audience. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The UK market for confectionary Chocolate Sugar Total by sector by value at current confectionary confectionary prices 1997 3630 1530 5160 1998 3690 1720 5410

Monday, November 11, 2019

History of the Democratic Party Essay

The Democratic Party is one of the two major political parties in the United States. When this party makes political decisions, the Democratic Party followed a very liberal viewpoint. The Democratic Party is one of the oldest official political parties in the world and it is the oldest official political party in the United States. In 1792, Thomas Jefferson started the Democratic Party to oppose the Federalist Party to fight for the Bill of Rights. The Democratic Party was called the party of the common man. It was probably called this because it supported the normal citizens, like farmers and middle class people. Thomas Jefferson was elected as the first president from the Democratic Party in 1800. Jefferson served as president for two terms for the Democratic Party. Following this, in 1848, the Democratic National Committee was formed by the National Convention. The Democratic National Committee exists, making it the longest standing political organization ever. The Democratic Party is recognized with serving the lower and middle classes by funding government programs such as Welfare and free or low cost medical insurance. This is an opposite belief of the Republican Party who believes in that no one should face a tax increase, especially the rich. Democratic parties typically rule large states such as New York and California. Since these are two states with a high number of electoral votes, the Democratic Party has an advantage in presidential elections, although despite that support, there have still been many Republican presidents voted into office.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Purpose of Business & Business Ethics

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. ? Mark Twain Purpose is one of the single most unremitting factor which leads to the success of an organization and wholesome and virtuous development of the individuals associated with It. Most of the greatest companies In the world have great purposes, discovered by their founding fathers which still remain at the core of their business models.While profitability, innovation, effectiveness, efficiency and differentiation are major stakeholders in creation of a successful business, the crux of It all according to me Is In the creation of a customer centric culture. Focusing on customer Impact rather than profits builds business confidence and drives Investments. We can term this as a noble magnanimous approach which acts as the nexus of the organization. Some people might confuse It with philanthropy but the noble aspect of this Is In nurturing drive that encourages employees to work with sedulous to solve problems and create a positive impact in the lives of their customers.When employees associate themselves with a culture of customer satisfaction, which is bigger than them, they get emotionally engaged and this leads to the creation of a truly differentiated organization. While businesses that focus on the numbers alone mostly end up producing average results, teams with customer contentment as the front and centre f the business know that their Job matters and thus produce exponential growth.A purpose with customer impact at its core leverages businesses and leaders in the face of changing business climates and provides a framework for decision making which gives them a competitive advantage. This eventually fosters the formation of an extremely housewarming culture where employees deliver strong business results and ironically end up winding more profits by focusing on something completely beyond profit.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Castro Gay Village Gentrification in San Francisco

Castro Gay Village Gentrification in San Francisco â€Å"For decades, most big cities have had a district that was understood to be the place to go if you were gay - the West Village and Chelsea in New York City, Dupont Circle in Washington, the South End in Boston. Men and women who had kept their sexual orientations hidden reveled in the freedom to live openly as gay†[1]. The gay city (or a gay neighborhood) is an urban location with its frontiers where many gay, lesbian and also bisexual people live and develop their community.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Castro Gay Village Gentrification in San Francisco specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Castro Gay Village in San Francisco is one of the most popular ones, and it is also considered to be the San Francisco’s most popular place for tourism, recreation and rest. It is also one of the safest districts of the region and a much cleaner than the rest ones. Indeed, it is a very friendly neighborhood . However, these days, the process of urban gentrification which, affects the lives of people and enhances the property values, raises fears among the gay leaders concerning the preservation of their gay community. They provide the idea that the process of urban gentrification may result in losing their distinct identities.. In other words, in their view, the gentrification is forced by heterosexual couples arriving in the district and starting their business there, thus, Castro ceases to be a â€Å"gay ghetto† and loses its identity becoming â€Å"an ordinary district† of San Francisco. In this paper, we are going to explore the peculiarities of the process of an urban gay gentrification and its consequences. Before 1970’s the gay cities haven’t been developed. There existed so called â€Å"gay social network† and small gay communities were located in certain urban areas, clubs, etc., under the surveillance of the police. In 1969, the police raid a private gay bar Stonewall. It led to disturbances in the neighbor areas. Thus, the first gay ghettos appeared and â€Å"an alternative lifestyle flourished in San Francisco†[2]. Today, there are many gay cities that are called â€Å"gay-friendly oasis† surrounded by hostile city. These districts are adjusted to the needs of their inhabitants. They have many establishments, such as gay pubs and bars, restaurants, etc., â€Å"by representing a degree of social control by the gay community, such places created the feeling of being a safe haven against risk of discrimination and/or violence†[3]. When the gay cities have just developed, the process of gay gentrification began. It was caused by the fact that gay cities were much â€Å"cozier† and safer. Moreover, in such â€Å"communities†, people felt more comfortable and more opportunities were opened for them. So scholars assume that there are there explanations of gay gentrification (gentrification theories). The first one is the rent-gap theory. It presupposes that â€Å"gentrification occurs because developers sense the profits that can be made by acquiring cheap properties†. [4] The second theory estimates that gentrification was caused by consumer demands and the third theory provides that gay gentrification was provoked by demographic shifts, such as â€Å"the postponement of marriage and childbearing, the increased number of single women, and the desire of gay men and lesbians to carve out a space free from oppression†[5]Advertising Looking for term paper on cultural studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Castro Village in San Francisco is one of the largest gay cities in the USA and, â€Å"currently, one-third of The Castro’s residents identify themselves as gay or lesbian, compared with 13 percent citywide. Gay activists say it is important to maintain communities that gay p eople feel safe in and consider their home†[6]. The Castro Village was one of the first gay cities in the USA. The first local gay activist Harvey Milk became a City Supervisor and fought for equality of human rights for the gay minority of San Francisco. Thus, the city was an important place for cultural and political activities. Today, it is more â€Å"tourist† and calm place, rather than a â€Å"venue† for political activities. In the light of gentrification, one of the most important questions is â€Å"Will the Castro remain gay or take on another new name and new set of immigrants?†[7]. The gentrification of the gay cities is constantly catalyzing in the modern society that seeks for globalization and economical welfare of the society. This process affects the social and spatial characteristics of the city while providing changes into the national economy: â€Å"Places such as the Castro area of San Francisco or the West Hollywood district of Los Ang eles have played a significant role in the evolution of a gay subculture. And the gentrification of districts has created distinctive urban landscape†[8]. However, these days, there is a threat of destruction of this subculture in the city, as many heterogeneous couples seeking for better living come and stay in the city. One of the reasons of this tendency is that society became tolerant towards gay, lesbian and bisexual people and their communities. In some areas and countries, the marriages between man and man or woman and woman were legalized. These days, people do not need to hide their sexual orientations, consequently, they do not need places where it can be possible and they can live openly. The gay leaders have different points of view in the influence of the urban gentrification. Some of them consider that it vanishes away the gay identity and gay culture, others consider it to be a great breakthrough in the fight against racism and inequality of human rights. The ge ntrification is a popular term applied to the social and cultural â€Å"shifts† or displacement. It is the result when well-off people settle or acquire property in working class communities. Thus, the price of property, housing and taxes rises that makes â€Å"former inhabitants† leave the community.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Castro Gay Village Gentrification in San Francisco specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As a result, the live of community can cease, or a new community can develop. The urban gentrification may change the character of the community while making it more economically consistent. This process is a part of the new economy of globalization. Apart from economic changes, there are many cultural ones. In general, the process of urban gentrification is a positive one and enhances an economic life of the city, but it is also can be regarded as a negative one, as it affects lives of individuals and communities. Speaking about gay urban gentrification, many scholars claim that it can lead to development of new consumption space and stimulate the increase of the gay identity: â€Å"The production of San Franciscos Castro as a gay neighborhood, for instance, could be read as a fairly straightforward account of gentrification, given the in-migration of higher-income residents, the renovation of housing stock and enhancement of property values, and the development of new cultural and consumer spaces†[9]. Thus, the new urban â€Å"face† can be regarded as more compatible with some peculiarities of the gay and lesbian lifestyles. Indeed, the politics of gay gentrification is more complex. Apparently, not all gay people are engaged in the gentrification process. The result of a â€Å"selective† gentrification is that it is a â€Å"class-rooted† process. Apparently, the gay communities are multicultural, but there are still some racial and c lass prejudices and the communities are still skewing toward white well-off population, â€Å"when it is combined with the social activism that helps construct gay and lesbian identity against social oppression, gentrification begins to seem like a geographic as well as social strategy of identity construction†[10]. So, we can come to a conclusion that a gay community is rather conservative one, though: â€Å"Evidence of the geographic variability of gay and lesbian identities in the United States suggests that urban – and, in different ways, rural – spaces are significant for the formation of sexual identities†[11]. Many scholars assume that in the core of the gay gentrification is the â€Å"the community activism† that is aimed at providing various services and access to housing which will enable the encouragement of the â€Å"constitution of gay and lesbian identities†[12], but at the same time it can clear the class boundaries.Advertisin g Looking for term paper on cultural studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thus, we can come to a conclusion that the process of urban gay gentrification is a coin of two sides. In the one hand, it has a very positive influence on the development of the economics of the country and provides the economic welfare of the communities. Moreover, many scholars assume that gentrification is a considerable â€Å"step forward† in the fight against racism, class prejudices and inequality of human rights. Thus, these days, gay and lesbian people do not need to hide their sexual orientation and, as a consequence, there is no need for the â€Å"gay ghettos†. On the other hand, many gay leaders claim that gay gentrification provides the destruction of the gay identity. At any rate, the gentrification is an important part of the progress. Bibliographies Castells, Manuel. The Power of Identity. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2004. Duncan, James S., Nuala Christina Johnson, and Richard H. Schein. A Companion to Cultural Geography. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2004. â⠂¬Å"Gentrification† Accessed from glbtq.com/social-sciences/gentrification.htm. â€Å"Gay Neighborhoods Worry about Losing Identity†. Last modified February 3 2007. msnbc.msn.com/id/17583200/ns/us_news-life/ Pacione, Michael. Urban Geography: A Global Perspective. New York: Taylor Francis, 2009. Scholten, Pauline. â€Å"The Next Generation (1995 through Today)†, Castro CBD. Accessed from castrocbd.org/content/history. Smith, Neil. The New Urban Frontier: Gentrification and the Revanchist City. New York: Routledge, 1996. Tonkiss, Frank. Space, The City and Social Theory: Social Relations and Urban forms. Cambridge: Polity, 2005. Footnotes 1. â€Å"Gay Neighborhoods Worry about Losing Identity†, last modified February 3 2007, msnbc.msn.com/id/17583200/ns/us_news-life/ Manuel Castells. The Power of Identity. (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2004), 273. Michael Pacione. Urban Geography: A Global Perspective. (New York: Taylor Francis, 2009), 383 â€Å"Gentrificat ion†, Accessed from glbtq.com/social-sciences/gentrification.htm. â€Å"Gentrification†, Accessed from glbtq.com/social-sciences/gentrification.htm. Pauline Scholten, â€Å"The Next Generation (1995 through Today)†, Castro CBD, Accessed from castrocbd.org/content/history. Scholten, n. p. Pacione, 383 Frank Tonkiss. Space, The City and Social Theory: Social Relations and Urban forms. (Cambridge: Polity, 2005), 109. Neil Smith. The New Urban Frontier: Gentrification and the Revanchist City. (New York: Routledge, 1996), 102. James S. Duncan, Nuala Christina Johnson, and Richard H. Schein. A Companion to Cultural Geography. (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2004), 324. Smith, 108.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Entrepreneur Interview & Personal Analysis Essay - 1

Entrepreneur Interview & Personal Analysis - Essay Example The opportunity is at the center of the process, however, the identification opportunity and its realization depends upon the personality of the entrepreneur and his team. Other important elements of Timmons’s model are technical expertise and experience required to cash on the identified opportunity. The finance and other resources are placed at the last of this model of entrepreneurial process. (Lebherz, 2010, p.16-20) Specific questions were articulated to gain Mr. Hudson reaction on each element of the Timmons’s model. Clutching an opportunity requires a vigilant eye on current issues and openings. First three questions are focused to gain some knowledge of innovative thoughts that help Mr. Hudson to conceive the idea of the Edge Technologies. Because Mr. Hudson is not a descendent of an entrepreneur family, the enterprise realization is a display of his leadership and managerial qualities. The second question is targeted to gain his input on early strategic plannin g he did to minimize risks and enhance the chances of his success being an entrepreneur. Early shocks of business are a sheer test of entrepreneur courage and character. Third question is aimed at learning about the things that went wrong and posed a challenge to the existence and continuation of corporate operations. This might be very helpful in the assessment of an entrepreneurial character and can provide important insights into the strength of strategic plans laid down in early phases of enterprise establishment. The next section of the interview is aimed at understanding some personal attributes and characteristics of Mr. Hudson personality. This includes his concept of a successful entrepreneur and personal independence, which serves as lighthouse to guide rest of the entrepreneurial activities and forms the basis of other principles. Bygrave & Andrew (2010, p. 52) observes, â€Å"It does appear that entrepreneurs have a higher internal locus of control, than non-entrepreneu rs, which means that they have a stronger desire to be in control of their own fate.† The success of an entrepreneur is characterized by his attitude, ambition, confidence, knowledge, skills and experience. A variable mix of these personal attributes defines the future direction of the business and decides the way corporate objectives are pursued. Among all the attribute of an entrepreneur that contributes towards the success, the most significant is the knowledge of personal strengths and weaknesses. It is important for an entrepreneur to know exactly what shortcomings he needs to avoid and where he can zoom into his strengths. Some of the questions were designed to gain a professional and technical insight into the business. Despite of the over whelming influence of the entrepreneur on the enterprise, an efficient team is required to materialize and achieve corporate goals. This team marks the difference how risks and financial challenges to the enterprise are interpreted an d responded. Moreover, Mr. Hudson’s response on policymaking in the enterprise was sought to catch on his corporate philosophy and decision-making process. The concern of an entrepreneur for his society in this age is considered very important towards the fulfillment of corporate responsibility. Towards the end of Mr. Hudson interview, a question was targeted to get his input on social awareness. The last question was

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Is Communism Considered To Be Evil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Is Communism Considered To Be Evil - Essay Example Still, it is important to note that public’s needs and wants are the basic and fundamental controlling factor that is going to determine the level of governance’s quality in both democratic and communistic systems. The public interest will have to be met in order to save reign of any kind. The communistic mechanism of the government fundamentally works towards suppressing the individual and personal needs so that collective benefits can be disseminated in the society. The communistic system is considered a crude method of governance because it is more prone towards experiencing corruption. The higher probability of corruption is stemming out of absence of any formal way of accountability in the featured type of governance system (Hardt pp.348). The humans are of the view that they are equals and therefore, should be allowed to decide their representatives who will in turn work towards maximization of public interest. The freedom of speech and choice are believed to the antecedent of applying democratic system whereas, the success of democracy is strongly linked with individualistic dimension of the culture. The China is effectively following communism (Steinmuller pp.481) through socialism because its indigenous culture is having a collective outlook and because of this reason, the children are trained to work in terms of serving the society before fulfillment of self interest. The common belief in Chinese community states that once an individual does his or her job then, government will take care of his or her needs. The Chinese governmental philosophy attempts to establish social equality in the community by assisting the people in meeting their basic needs and necessities. The Chinese society is housing substantial amount of population and therefore, they can take a holistic approach towards economic development. But, the people who have an individualistic orientation towards life consider communism as evil. The humans are popular for creating their own reality and some of them identify communism as evil because it suppresses personal and private freedoms while others view it as the means of achieving fiscal development and growth in a collective setting. Thusly, the human belief systems, attitudes and perceptions make a concept or an idea evil or noble. The Chinese economic development remained exemplary over the past few decades and therefore, it can be argued that communism is an effective source of achieving elementary objectives of governance. The problems originate in the light of Agency Theory when the national representatives do not successfully translate public interests into realities. In the presence of abovementioned condition the masses’ support towards any type of government is bound to decline and that is for sure. The communistic system is neither good nor bad in its essence but its deployment and application are going to determine its ethical value and quality. The only enemy of governmental effect iveness goes by the name of corruption and any system that represents corruption more than a certain level, is going to disintegrate sooner or later. The communistic approach in the direction of governance helped Russians in managing their national level issues and operations but things went south when governmental issues undervalued public interest so that they can meet their own personal agendas. The marginal public support for the government played a significant role in causing the breakage of Soviet Union and one communistic