Saturday, November 2, 2019

Is Communism Considered To Be Evil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Is Communism Considered To Be Evil - Essay Example Still, it is important to note that public’s needs and wants are the basic and fundamental controlling factor that is going to determine the level of governance’s quality in both democratic and communistic systems. The public interest will have to be met in order to save reign of any kind. The communistic mechanism of the government fundamentally works towards suppressing the individual and personal needs so that collective benefits can be disseminated in the society. The communistic system is considered a crude method of governance because it is more prone towards experiencing corruption. The higher probability of corruption is stemming out of absence of any formal way of accountability in the featured type of governance system (Hardt pp.348). The humans are of the view that they are equals and therefore, should be allowed to decide their representatives who will in turn work towards maximization of public interest. The freedom of speech and choice are believed to the antecedent of applying democratic system whereas, the success of democracy is strongly linked with individualistic dimension of the culture. The China is effectively following communism (Steinmuller pp.481) through socialism because its indigenous culture is having a collective outlook and because of this reason, the children are trained to work in terms of serving the society before fulfillment of self interest. The common belief in Chinese community states that once an individual does his or her job then, government will take care of his or her needs. The Chinese governmental philosophy attempts to establish social equality in the community by assisting the people in meeting their basic needs and necessities. The Chinese society is housing substantial amount of population and therefore, they can take a holistic approach towards economic development. But, the people who have an individualistic orientation towards life consider communism as evil. The humans are popular for creating their own reality and some of them identify communism as evil because it suppresses personal and private freedoms while others view it as the means of achieving fiscal development and growth in a collective setting. Thusly, the human belief systems, attitudes and perceptions make a concept or an idea evil or noble. The Chinese economic development remained exemplary over the past few decades and therefore, it can be argued that communism is an effective source of achieving elementary objectives of governance. The problems originate in the light of Agency Theory when the national representatives do not successfully translate public interests into realities. In the presence of abovementioned condition the masses’ support towards any type of government is bound to decline and that is for sure. The communistic system is neither good nor bad in its essence but its deployment and application are going to determine its ethical value and quality. The only enemy of governmental effect iveness goes by the name of corruption and any system that represents corruption more than a certain level, is going to disintegrate sooner or later. The communistic approach in the direction of governance helped Russians in managing their national level issues and operations but things went south when governmental issues undervalued public interest so that they can meet their own personal agendas. The marginal public support for the government played a significant role in causing the breakage of Soviet Union and one communistic

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