Friday, May 22, 2020

A History of World in Six Glasses by Tom Standage

How Six Beverages changed the Face of the EarthThroughout history certain drinks have marked a trend that has changed the face of the earth. Each drinks including beer, wine, spirits (distilled alcohol), coffee, tea, and coca-cola have been a catalyst for the development of our society. As a result, the alcohol and the caffeine in the drinks have not only quenched our thirst through history, but have done much more than that; they have helped different cultures intertwine. Each one of them set humankind on a path towards modernity. Six beverages precisely, three alcoholic, and three caffeine marked the tendency; the first beverage to mark a trend was beer that both served as a currency and for political purposes. Later came the Greeks with†¦show more content†¦However, beer importance in the development of writing is more important than common thinking. The earliest written documents are Sumerian wage lists and tax receipts that were used to record several things; amongst th em was beer. Since beer by this time was considered the drink of the common man, beer was used as a form of payment for many people. Some people were given the drink as it is the case during the construction of the pyramid of Giza, and others were given tokens so they could exchange them with beer. Beer importance in the development of our civilized world is often under regarded, especially by those whom believe that beer sole purpose is to get people drunk. Departing from Assyria, King Ashurnasirpar II gave a drink to his guests which aroma and taste was far more refined than that of beer. Even more, this vitalizing drink was not a universal drink for the common man, but was rather a way to show their wealth. As a result, wine development as the next popular drink, especially in Greece and Italy. Wine consists of a fermented juice of crushed grapes. Despite the availability of grapes through human history, wine did not emerge until later since in order to ferment the fruit it is necessary to use a pot. As wine became more widely available, it came to be seen as a social drink as well as a religious beverage. Its main consumption was based on the Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean. Furthermore, its increasing accessibility demised wine as an allShow MoreRelatedA History Of The World s Six Glasses By Tom Standage2029 Words   |  9 PagesAs you read A History of the World in Six Glasses by Tom Standage (2005), you should look for an swers to the questions posted below. These questions will be due by Monday, August 25th. These should be typed and submitted to as well as a hard copy to your instructor. You will be given 5 points for on time and without plagarism. Section One: Beer in Mesopotamia and Egypt 1A. We can find out about prehistoric lives through non-written sources such as pictograms. There isRead MoreDescription of Beer in History of the Worlds in Six Glasses by Tom Standage765 Words   |  4 PagesIn a History of the Worlds in Six Glasses, Tom Standage describes beer as one of the oldest beverage. According to Standage the discovery of beer was around 10,000 BCE, it was made from grain that grew in the region called Fertile that could be stored and made wet or soaked to turn into beer (p 15). Beer was shared with several people and goes on to become a social drink. Standage goes on to explain about another beverage made with wild grapes vines produced between 9000 and 4000 BCE in northernRead MoreA History Of The World1200 Words   |  5 Pages In A History of the World in Six Glasses, Standage discusses how beer and wine are made in terms of the ingredients and how each beverage is related to each social class. The ingredients are what differentiate one bevera ge from another beverage. An Ingredient is the main component that makes the beverage unique and gives it an identity. An ingredient is what makes people to choose a beverage from wide range of options. An ingredient gives the color, the texture and the taste to a beverageRead MoreEssay on A History of the World in 6 Glasses899 Words   |  4 PagesA History of the World in 6 Glasses by Tom Standage is a non-fiction historical novel, whose main purpose is to show the surprisingly pervasive influence of certain drinks on the course of history. Then it takes the reader on a journey through time to show the history of mankind through the lens of beverages. The thesis of the novel is that through history certain specialty beverages have affected more than just the diet of people and changed political aspects, economic standings, religious ceremoniesRead MoreBook Review1706 Words   |  7 Pagessomething an author tries to prove to their audience. A History of the World in Six Glasses by Tom Standage provides a very brilliant thesis. Tom Standage’s thesis is to inform the audience reading the book about the six vital drinks that helped make up history. He explains this by showing how the drink influenced major events around the globe. He begins with beer which the oldest from the six drinks and ends with the youngest drink Coca-Cola. Standage explains how beer was important in the adoptionRead MoreA History Of The World1149 Words   |  5 PagesIn Tom Standage’s novel, â€Å"A History of the World in 6 Glasses†, he discusses the growth of the world through the discovery and creation of some of the most popular beverages in their places of origin. He discusses each beverage where it was created, and how it affected the country socially, religiously, and politically. He starts off in at the beginning of time in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Standage discusses one of the first world-known beverages; beer. He begins talking about the collection of cerealRead MoreReview Of Tom Standage s Book A History Of The World 1086 Words   |  5 PagesReading Summary Over the summer I read Tom Standage’s nonfiction novel, A History of the World in Six Glasses. Standage analyzed and depicted the tremendous impact these fluids had on the development of our present day society. The discovery of beer caused a change in the lifestyle of mankind as hunter gatherers settled down in larger villages and began farming wheat and barley. Starting in 10,000 BCE, beer was an everyday staple in Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations. It was safer to drinkRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book A History Of The World 1060 Words   |  5 PagesSynthesis Essay In the book A History of the World in Six Glasses by Tom Standage it is explained how the Mesopotamians saw beer and bread as a way to distinguish those who are civilized and those who are savages. Standage explains how beer had a great role if the Mesopotamian culture and how in many cases it was told in their stories and legends. The Egyptians were not far off the infatuation with beer either. The Egyptians also cherished beer greatly and was a great deal of importance to themRead MoreRelationship Between Humans And The Environment Essay1396 Words   |  6 PagesHenry Zheng AP World History #4437 Summer Assignment 2015 Interactions Throughout History To start, historical developments throughout the world are connected across time and cultures. While these connections may be hard to find, one may understand them through the study of historical themes. There are many historical themes that can connect multiple cultures together. However, there are some themes that allow one to understand the complex connections the best: InteractionsRead MoreBeer and Wine: A Development of Community in Our World Essay997 Words   |  4 Pagesand create a great community. In fact Tom Standage introduces us to this idea of these early drinks shaping human culture in his book A History of a World in Six Glasses. As Standage informs us about how beer was one of the causes in early settlement, and why farming was led to a great success because of the use of beer. Standage also mentions a start in traditions and a formation of government due to these drinks. Although beer being very important, Standage also introduces us to wine as a form of

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