Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Hindu Faith is an indigenous theology and philosophy...

The Hindu Faith is an indigenous theology and philosophy of India spanning thousands of years. Reincarnation is the center of the Faith, the teaching that all things become unified through living many lives. After each cycle of life, karma decides which caste or level of life a person will next experience. Lying, cheating scumbags, who were greedy and did not assist the poor could be reincarnated upon death into a life of poverty and illness. With a little hope, such a soul would learn a valuable lesson and the next time around would be a bit more comfortable. Some Hindus also believe that a human can be reincarnated as an animal. Whether that is karma from a good or bad previous life, one can only guess. The majority of Hindus live in†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Atharvaveda - Verses that speculate on the earth-human connection and other philosophical ideas. Hymns throughout the Rigveda are referred to as Samhitas. Brahmanas are textual verses that explain ritual prayers and relay instructional information. Aranyakas and Upanishads propose speculative theologies and philosophical concepts. Long-practiced traditions and cultural behaviors determine the specific school of philosophy each Hindu will follow. Six major schools of philosophy exist within Hinduism. Each school, or DarÅ›ana, is separate from the others, but they are all centered on verses in the Vedas. Sage Kapila orally addressed the natural and spiritual worlds in the Samkhya School founded in the 6th century BC. It is the most ancient Hindu school of Hindu thought. Nyaya is the school of logical thought introduced by Aksapada Gautama in approximately the 5th century BC. The philosophy stresses the importance o f knowledge and scientific theory. Vaisheshika, the atomic school, instituted by Sage Kannada in the 3rd century BC, attempts to answer questions surrounding the creation of the universe and the connection between life sustaining substances and the soul. The philosophy states that Brahman instills consciousness in all atoms, the smallest form of life. Sage Patanjalt, founder of the Yoga school in the 2nd century BC, proposed that mastering Yoga could transform the physical and spiritual self. The Yoga school and Samkhya are closely related philosophies.Show MoreRelatedHinduism : Hinduism And Hinduism1140 Words   |  5 PagesPart One: Hinduism Worldview Hinduism is a panetheism belief system in which there are over 330 million different deities. They have a large number of different sects (Hindson and Caner 262-265). Hinduism starts with 3 Trimurti, or deities and ends with over 330 million different gods (Hindson and Caner 262-265). With an estimated 850 million followers (Halverson 1-8) . 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